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Haitian Rum: Barbancourt, Bakara

Rum first appeared in the West Indies in 1650, when pirates were roaming the shark-infested waters. Initially, this loveable beverage was called “rumbullion” or “kill-devil” because of its potent dizzying effects. Haitian Rum, on the other hand, officially became a thing in 1862 when the Barbancourt family started their company in Port-au-Prince. Ever since then, newer Haitian Rum brands have been popping out of nowhere.

Is Haitian Rum Different from Regular Rum?

Many would say that Haiti’s currency is rum, locally called rhum. The country has more than 500 rum distilleries, each creating the finest beverage you’ve ever tasted. It’s easy to imagine how there are as many rum varieties as there are distilleries. But how is Haitian rum different from regular rum? From what we found out, it all revolves around flavor and finesse.

Rum Barbancourt, easily one of the most renowned rum brands in the world, hails from Haiti. It’s made from sugarcane and relies on Clairin, a local agricultural alcohol, to provide that unique taste. Nowadays, only the Société du Rhum Barbancourt makes Barbancourt using a traditional doubly-distillation method invented by the founder, Dupré Barbancourt.

Barbancourt Rhum

The secrets to Barbancourt Rhum lies in the use of sugarcane rather than molasses. Sugarcane has a richer flavor that translates to a more intense alcoholic taste. It’s no wonder the brand has become so popular. But that’s not all. Dupré Barbancourt thought about doubly-distilling his Rhum, just like cognacs. It paid off since this method gives Rhum Barbancourt its grassy and fresh flavor.

After the initial batch comes to life, it’s put in oak barrels for several years before seeing the light of day again. This is the final step in creating that unique flavor we all know and love. As we speak, there are many variants of Rhum Barbancourt in the world, some of which are spiked with mango, bananas, toffee, or nougat flavors. The Caribbean flair lives on with this alcoholic heritage that is Rhum Barbancourt!

Bakara Rhum

Rum Bakara is a relative newcomer to the alcoholic experience in Haiti. The company took off in 2009, aiming to bring a fresh taste of authentic Haitian Rhum to every corner of the world. Bakara rums are arguably one of the finest in the country and not only. The unique craftsmanship and manufacturing methods provoke a delightful surprise when it comes to taste. Rhum connoisseurs will have a field day testing this one out!

The native tropical flavor intersperses with fruity hints to create an encompassing palate experience. After each Bakara batch is made, it spends at least one year in oak barrels to add that unique taste. This brand comes in multiple rum varieties, including white rum, so everyone can pick their poison and enjoy. There’s something for everyone with Bakara.

Rhum Bakara is distilled, aged, and bottled in Noailles, a few kilometers away from Port-au-Prince, Haiti’s capital. You’ll see the sugarcane fields from afar, ripe with sweetness and flavor, just waiting to be turned into a premium bottle of Rhum. Spicy and stingy to the taste, with a fruity-fresh taste, a sweet and fresh aroma – that’s what makes Bakara Rhum a premium brand!

Is Haitian Rum Better?

Barbancourt and Bakara Rhum are arguably some of the finest rum varieties in the world. Connoisseurs will say the same thing. But are they the best? We don’t know, and frankly, it doesn’t even matter. It’s all up to personal taste when it comes to rum. Many say that Haitian rum has a flavor unique to Haiti, perhaps a remembrance of its undying cultural and historical heritage. Regardless, Haitian Rhum sure is tasty!

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