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A Dream of Photography with Olivier Avril

By Alex Popa

Olivier Avril was born and raised in Haiti but relocated to the US at a relatively young age. He takes great pride in his Haitian heritage, saying that “the fact that I am Haitian helps me look at the world in a new way and lets me cherish the history of my country and the determination of my predecessors.”

He’s taken up photography and wants to change his life through it. His dream is to become an internationally renowned photographer to give back to his community and inspire the younger generation. For now, he’s fighting to make a name for himself and put himself on the map.

Education and Professional Life

Olivier studied at the Jubilee Académie Chretienne, worked at UNITECH for a while, and then became a freelance photographer and videographer to pursue his dreams. He doesn’t have a full-time job but rather continues to hone his skills in photography and videography to better prepare himself for the future.

Regarding photography, he’s been published in the Podium Quartier, and he has opened a photography studio. Through it, he hopes to create a platform that serves as an inspiration to the young Haitian generation. He even hopes to involve himself in cinema and promote Haitian filmography on big streaming platforms such as Netflix and HBO.

Goals and Dreams

Olivier Avril’s secret dream is football. Ever since he was young, he dreamed of a life on the football field, competing at the highest levels and bringing fame to his country. His inspiration is Duckens Nazon, the famous French player on the Haitian national football team.

In his own words, “I would devote five years of my life to football if the opportunity ever came. That’s how much I love the sport and everything it entails.” He’s a dreamer, and nothing seems to stop him from dreaming big.

Another one of his goals is to bring Haitian filmography to the West. He aspires to convince the likes of HBO and Netflix to broadcast Haitian films more often and even bring them to Hollywood. Other countries are already making headway in this domain, so why not Haiti as well?

Advice to the Young Haitian Generation

Olivier emphasizes the importance of patriotism and personal growth as the best way for the young Haitian generation to evolve. He acknowledges that Haiti doesn’t have a good reputation worldwide, but he hopes to change that. “The youth should not feel bad for being Haitian because they can accomplish so much. I will try to change the mentality of my people and teach them that sacrificing yourself for your country is a good thing.”

He does everything he can to support the dreams of the younger generation. This means that he involves himself in community work and teaches the youth to invest in themselves, learn, love, and aspire toward greatness. Only by aiming high can anyone reach success, according to him. And this rings true for every individual we’ve talked about, Olivier included.

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