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Ruth Michel Dupoux is Opening Doors to Immigrants with her services and new book, USA Immigration Secrets.

Written by Alex Popa

Ruth Michel Dupoux alias Lady R, was born and raised in Haiti to Cuban and Haitian parents; she understood from a young age the hardships that befall immigrants when going to other countries. Since 2013, Ruth has been helping entrepreneurs and artist to participate in international showcases events, After Moving to the US in 2019; she decided to expand her expertise by helping immigrants. In 2021, she founded LRC & CO GROUP, with its first office in Fort Lauderdale, opened her second office in Fort Pierce and hopes to help as many immigrants as possible. Now she is launching her new book “USA Immigration Secrets” that will help undocumented immigrants on how to establish themselves and live the American dream.

Her own words, “I believe that it takes courage for someone to migrate to another country and start a new life. Many had taken that path without the proper guide and this is why I wrote that book.” She’s been promoting her business to mostly Haitian and Hispanic immigrants. Many of them don’t have passports and other legal documents, and one of Ruth’s goals with the USA Immigration Secrets is to help and guide them in the right direction.

What Drives Her Efforts?

Ruth knows full well the feeling of inadequacy common to immigrants. “Coming to live in the USA as an immigrant myself makes me realize how difficult it can be to be an immigrant in this country or any country for that matter. If you don’t have the right information to guide you on how to become an asset in the system, you feel lost, I want all incoming and existing immigrants to know that they can do it” she says.

Ruth says she’s proudest of her “immigration salvation,” as she likes to call the LRC Migrations sector of her business. Seeing the joy of the people she helps is enough for her.

USA Immigration-Secrets Book by Lady R
USA Immigration-Secrets Book by Lady R

“I couldn’t have done all this without discovering and accepting myself fully; to be able to give the best of myself in everything I do and wish the best for everyone around me.”

What Is Her Advice to Women Who Aspire to Be Entrepreneurs?

She’s very hopeful and confident in the potential that lies in Haitian women. They are both smart and strong, and with enough willpower and discipline, they’ll succeed in what they want to do, according to her. For her, a successful entrepreneur needs to be focused, disciplined, and relentless. You should never give up on your dreams, no matter the obstacles.

Personal time matters too. The work-life balance of every entrepreneur is a bit chaotic, even in Ruth’s case. But she tries to make time for herself and her family. She does have big dreams, though. In the future, she wants to make more books about immigration proceedings, open several more offices around the country and help even more immigrants no matter where they are from!





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