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Amos Exumé – The Story of Courage and Discipline

By Alex Popa + Photos by @giocasimir_

Amos Exume was born in Port-au-Prince and lives in Haiti, something he’s both conflicted and happy about. Amos comes from a single-parent family, which is typical in Haiti. He says he owes everything to his mother, who looked after him when he was young. He believes the numerous hardships he suffered during his upbringing contributed to making him a stronger and more resilient person.

He draws his main inspiration in life from his mother and those who have succeeded in life before him. Amos sees the life as a game – one where mistakes matter. But it matters more how you recover and learn from them, he says. Being Haitian influences his character and mentality because “Being Haitian means many things,” he says. “But two of them are always repeated: our strength and our history.”

Work and Future Goals

Although he’s completed his formal education, Amos believes the quest for knowledge should never end. He believes you should always strive to become a better version of yourself, more knowledgeable and competent, so you’re always ready for whatever life throws at you. That’s why Amos is always eager to learn new things and ready to specialize in new areas.

His preoccupations and activities prove as much: Amos practices massage therapy and reflexology, but he’s also a master puppeteer and aims to become an image consultant one day. In other words, he’s a multi-talented individual with great ambitions and the right set of tools and skills to bring them to life.

When it comes to his immediate life goals, Amos says he has nothing specific in mind. But he does have his to-do list ready, and his goals stretch years into the future. Should luck be on his side, he wouldn’t mind breaking into the fashion and modelling industry.

About Haiti and Haitians

Amos believes Haiti is a beautiful country with a rich history and much to offer in terms of culture and heritage. But it’s also a challenging environment for the younger generation due to the country’s lack of opportunity, economic instability, and security issues. Still, Amos believes everyone can change their destiny if they believe in themselves, embrace a positive attitude, and work hard towards their goals.

When it comes to aiding his community, Amos says there’s little he can do other than to become a role model and an inspiration to those less fortunate. And his words hit deep: “The only way to improve Haiti is through love. Love can save us while we put everything we have learned to the service of the country. The engine of a country is its youth, and if there is no love, they can never reach their true potential.”

“The only way to improve Haiti is through love. Love can save us while we put everything we have learned to the service of the country. The engine of a country is its youth, and if there is no love, they can never reach their true potential.”

Pursuing Passions as a Way of Life

Amos has many hobbies, talents, and passions, including listening to music, swimming, going to the gym, reading, and living a healthy and positive lifestyle. He also plays football in his spare time and spends time with his family and friends as often as he can. He believes these activities keep him healthy mentally, physically, and emotionally, which, in turn, helps him thrive and become a better version of himself.

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