Haitian Ginger Tea
- 1 Ginger root
- 1 Star Anise
- 1 Cinnamon Stick
- 3 Cups of water
- 1/2 tsp salt (optional)
- Peel off the skin of the ginger root. Wash and rinse the ginger rootthoroughly after it has been peeled. Dice the ginger root into several smallerpieces.
- Grab a small cooking pot and put it on the stove. Addwater, cinnamon, ginger and star anise to the cooking pot and stir theingredients together. Turn on the heat of the stove and wait until the mixturestarts to boil. Let the mixture boil for five minutes.
- Turn the heat on the stove to medium at this point. Let the tea brew foranother five minutes.
- Grab a small strainer and put it over a cup. Pour the tea mixturethrough the strainer so that the tea liquid goes into the cup.
- Now you are ready to serve the ginger tea. You have the option to addyour own sweetener to the tea if you want. Some Haitians will drink the gingertea as-is because they love the taste of ginger. Westerners will probably wantto use a sweetener packet or stevia.