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Haitian Rice and Beans Recipe

Haitian Rice and Beans

Haitian rice andbeans are particularly different because of how they’re prepared. The spicesand other ingredients that go into the meal make it unique in style and flavor.The whole scotch bonnet pepper is often seen in Haitian cuisine. It is whatgives it the hot and spicy taste. You will understand that more once youprepare the meal for yourself.
Haitian rice and beans are a meal that speaks for itself.Caribbean islanders love to eat rice and beans because they’re nutritious andinexpensive to grow and produce. There are many different combinations of riceand beans that could be used for this dish. The three most popular types ofbeans for it are black beans, pinto beans, and red kidney beans.
Beans, of course, come loaded with protein, fiber, andother nutrients. Rice is the main source of energy for most Haitians. It offersVitamin B, iron, protein, and carbohydrates. The best part is that it doesn’ttake much for you to get filled up from Haitian rice and beans either. If you preparea lot of rice and beans at the same time, you could eat leftovers for almost anentire week.
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 1 hour 15 minutes
Total Time 1 hour 30 minutes


  • 3 Cups of Rice
  • 1 Cup Dry Beans (Pinto Beans, Red Beans, or Black Beans)
  • 8 Cups of Water
  • 3 tbsp of Olive Oil
  • 1 tbsp of Butter
  • 1 Large Onion (diced)
  • 1 tsp of Salt (or to taste)
  • 1 tsp of Ground Black Pepper
  • 3 Cloves (or you can use ¼ tsp of ground cloves)
  • 3 Cubes of Chicken Bouillon
  • 1 Whole Scotch Bonnet Pepper
  • 2 Garlic Cloves (minced)
  • ½ tsp of Thyme (2 sprigs)
  • 1 Cup of Coconut Milk


  • Add 8 cups of water to a large cooking pot. Pour one cupof dry beans into the cooking pot and add salt and olive oil to it. Put the poton the stove and turn the heat to medium high. Let the beans heat for about 60minutes. That is about how long it takes for dry beans to turn soft.
  • You’ll probably have to stir the beans throughout those 60 minutes toprevent them from sticking to the pot, depending on how much water you addedoriginally. Once you notice the beans are soft, strain the water over anindividual container.  Put the pot ofbeans aside for now.
  • Grab a second cooking pot and put it on the stove. Addone tablespoon of olive oil to the pot. Now grab a frying pan or skillet andsauté the garlic and onions for about two minutes. Add the beans (from thefirst post), chicken bouillon and coconut milk to the pot and mix it around.Add the sautéed onions and garlic to the mixture.
  • Pour the bean water and garlic cloves to the second cooking pot. Boilthe bean water. Add a whole scotch bonnet pepper and rice to the pot. Let therice cook for 20 minutes. The rice should absorb most of the bean water by thatpoint.
  • Lower the heat intensity to the medium heat setting for the pot. Addbutter and thyme to the pot and cover it with a lid. After about 15 minutes orso, the water should be absorbed.
  • Test the rice to see if it is fluffy. If so, then you areready to serve the dish to everyone in your party.  If you use brown rice, then it might takelonger to cook than white rice. Haitians typically use white rice in theirbeans and rice dishes. You can decide which one is right for you.



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