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Haitian Potato Salad Recipe

Haitian Potato Salad

There are many ways you can make Haitian potato salad.One popular way is to add beets to the salad. Beets, of course, are a verynutritious root vegetable with antioxidants and nutrients. You can easily addbeets to your potato salad and make it taste better too. Haitians love thetaste of beets and potato combined together in their salad. It’ll definitelymake you want to have multiple servings of it after you try it for the firsttime.
The appearance of the Haitian potato salad might be alittle unsettling to you at first. You’ll see vibrant red, pink and purplecolors blended together from the beets and red potatoes in the salad.Westerners might think it looks rather unusual, but don’t let its oddappearance deceive you. Once you take a bite of this Haitian potato salad, youwill want to take more bites until the entire salad is eaten.
As a result, you’ll never want to eat traditional westernpotato salad ever again. The Haitians are true geniuses when it comes to makingtheir potato salad. No other type of potato salad recipe can match the Haitianrecipe. If you follow the recipe, you can bring the magic of Haitian potatosalad into your very own home.
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Total Time 25 minutes
Servings 8


  • 4 Red Potatoes
  • 2 Beets
  • 1 Celery Stalk (diced)
  • ½ an Onion (diced)
  • ½ a Green Pepper (diced)
  • ½ Cup of Mayonnaise
  • ½ tsp of Pepper
  • ½ Salt (optional for taste)
  • 1 Large Carrot (diced into ½ cup)


  • Grab a cooking pot that is 1 quart in size. Add water to the cooking potand put the pot on the stove. Set the heat intensity to medium high on thestove. Wait for the water to boil. Add the beets to the boiling water. Let thebeets boil for 5 minutes.
  • Add the red potatoes to the boiling water and beets. Stirthem around in the water with a long spoon. Let them all boil for an additional5 minutes.
  • Add carrots to the boiling water and stir all the ingredients aroundwith a long spoon. Let it boil for an additional 5 minutes.
  • Put the strainer in the sink. Pour the cooking pot into the strainer todrain all the water out. Leave the red potatoes and beets alone for a couple ofminutes to cool down. Then you can proceed to peel them.
  • After the red potatoes and beets have been peeled, the next step is tocut the potatoes into cubes and dice the beets. Now add all of the ingredientsto a large bowl and mix them around together.
  • Haitian potato salad is supposed to be served cold. Since theingredients are still warm right after you prepare them, the best thing to dois put the bowl of salad in the refrigerator. After an hour or so, the saladshould be ready to serve to your party.



Haitian potato salad doesn’t have to be a meal of its own. Like in the west, you can have Haitian potato salad with other meals as a side dish. You could have it with hot dogs, fried beef, fried pork meat, fried chicken and so on.
The Haitian potato salad is the best because of its blend of natural, healthy ingredients. The beets and red potatoes are both good for your body and will supply it with plenty of vital nutrients. The salad even tastes great when it’s in your mouth. You can’t go wrong here.
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

Also, check out some of the most popular Haitian Food recipes below:

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