Clean the conch thoroughly. Chop up the conch meat intosmaller pieces. Put the conch meat pieces into a bowl and add garlic, epis,herbs (salt-free), and lemon juice to it. Fill the bowl with water up to thepoint where it covers all the conch meat. Three cups should be good enough.Stir the ingredients in the bowl and leave it on the side for a couple ofhours.
Place a frying pan or skillet on your stove. Put oliveoil in the pan and turn the heat to medium high. Add the other ingredients fromthe bowl to the pan. Add the tomato paste and mix it with the ingredients inthe pan. Cover the pan with the lid. Let it all cook for up to 30 minutes, orwhenever you notice the conch to be tender.
The water in the pan will probably evaporate throughoutthe cooking process. If that happens, add an extra cup of water to the pan. Youmight have to do this for three or four times until the ingredients are fullycooked.
Use a fork to poke at the conch meat. That is how you cantell whether it is tender or not. If it is tender, then you can add hot pepper,salt, margarine, onion, celery, and bell peppers into the mix. You don’t needto cook these ingredients on a medium or high flame. Reduce the heat intensityto low or simmer and leave it alone for about 10 minutes.
Once the 10 minutes has expired, add the bouillon cube and clove powderto the pan as the final two ingredients. Let those ingredients simmer in thepan on low heat for about 20 minutes. After that, you can turn off the heat tothe stove and let the ingredients sit covered in the pan until you’re ready toserve it. Don’t wait too long because it might get cold.