Written by Alex Popa
Maybeline Dugue-Despagne remembers her childhood in Haiti with the fondness of someone who truly loves her homeland. She grew up seeing various depictions of life, which stuck with her into adulthood. The lack of technological advancements back in the day meant everyone was more lively and dynamic. The memories during those times can be found in her photographs and paintings today.
Drawing is a self-taught hobby for her. When she first started Kohzé, also known as Artistik Crafts, all her characters were diluted forms of what they are today. She says, “Over the years, I’ve improved a lot with practice. My drawings are more realistic now.” Artistic talent runs in the family, so it’s not a surprise she became much better over the years.

In her view, Haiti is a rich country with a wonderful culture, especially the artistic industry with its naïve-styled painters that use a lot of yellow and orange.
What or Who Inspires Her Paintings?
Maybeline says Chevelin Pierre’s work has been integral to her journey as a painter and photographer. His colorful drawings captivated her attention and stirred her creativity down the right path. Expressiveness took a new meaning for her and kept on evolving with time.
Aside from this, childhood memories are always there to play a role in Maybeline’s paintings. In her view, Haiti is a rich country with a wonderful culture, especially the artistic industry with its naïve-styled painters that use a lot of yellow and orange. Maybeline is very passionate about it.
That’s why she uses orange a lot in her paintings. Depending on the theme and background she needs to paint, she’ll use orange or yellow because it allows her to change the scenery very easily. This gives her paintings a unique flair that has slowly transformed into a personal marker for her creations.
Painter, Photographer, Entrepreneur, and Mother
Maybeline Dugue-Despagne isn’t only a painter and photographer but also a mother of three and owner of a shipping company. How does she juggle all these things? In her own words, “I could not do it without the help of family and friends.” There you go! Painting and photography bring her substantial revenue, especially her posters, which helps the overall situation.
In her free time, Maybeline draws and likes to travel. But most of all, she likes spending time with her three girls. Without a doubt, she has become a real role model for her children, which is what any parent hopes to be. In the future, Maybeline wants to paint and photograph some more and maybe even expand her collection to the public.
Website: kohzestore.com
IG: instagram.com/kohzestore