Oral Cancer is Preventable


By Dr. Franklin Casthely, DDS

Dental Specialist

As more and more medical responsibility has fallen upon the shoulders of modern dentists, a new discovery has expanded the scope of practice of the newest generation of orthodontists. This discovery is so noteworthy that it’s likely to be the subject of conferences and lectures throughout the medical world. The finding is this: more than 41,000 new cases of oral cancer have been diagnosed lately. Almost 2/3 are discovered in the later stages. Nearly 1/5 of these patients will die from complications of this pathology.

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A routine oral cancer screening now performed on patients in the dental office is the only thing preventing the number of deaths from dramatically increasing.

90% of the time, oral cancer can be cured if detected and treated early.

Although each case is different, the disease occurs more commonly in patients with poor oral hygiene. Smokers and heavy drinkers have the highest incidence of oral cancer.

The HPV virus responsible for this epidemic is currently the fastest-growing sexually transmitted disease. But the virus can also be passed through kissing and oral sex.

Since oral cancer is treatable and almost 100% preventable, everyone has a good reason to visit their dentist regularly. It the best way to keep their mouth healthy, keep chewing comfortable and maintain a pretty smile.

Casthely Franklin DDS: 160 NE 82nd St, Miami, FL 33138 Phone: (305) 756-7602 | Website: www.casthelydental.com