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How Confidence and Support Can Change Haiti with Mikinlove Cadet

By Alex Popa

Mikinlove Cadet is a proud Haitian with a big heart and even bigger dreams. She was born and still lives in Kakauf commune and says that being Haitian tremendously influences the way she sees the world around her. She admits that growing up as a Haitian was by no means easy, but she also sees the positive aspect of it.

One of the perks of being a Haitian involves a sense of pride that drives her to push herself to her limit every day. As she admits herself, “I found it a privilege for me to be Haitian because for me there is no nation more beautiful than mine. I am proud to be able to say that I am Haitian as this makes me believe in myself more and allows me to push towards my goals with renewed strength each day.”

Education and Work

Mikinlove studied accounting at Port-au-Prince University where she graduated in 2018. She then started practicing the profession in 2019, still continuing to do so. Accounting wasn’t her first choice, however; architecture was. It’s just that life has a funny way of disagreeing with your goals sometimes, in which case you need to adapt.

And this is exactly what Mikinlove did. She adapted to and embraced accounting instead, a career that she ended up loving eventually. In terms of career expectations, Mikinlove admits that she aims high. She dreams of one day being able to open her own clothing brand and becoming a high-profile entrepreneur.

She acknowledges that her most valuable trait is her ability to push herself to the limit to achieve what she believes in. “During the past years, I didn’t really undertake something that I wanted to achieve. But for some time now, my motivation changed, and so did my goals. I’m now looking to get a master’s degree, especially in designing clothes because I have a love for styling.”

The Future of Haiti and Haitians

Mikinlove knows all about Haitian society and the social, economic, and cultural context of her country. She knows that the youth need to navigate perilous waters if they are to ever succeed in life. Haitian society is plagued by violence, poverty, and lack of opportunity, which can quickly discourage anyone looking for a better lifestyle for themselves and their families.

But this doesn’t make it impossible. Mikinlove considers herself both a realist and an optimist, which is a rare combination. She believes that, despite the hardships they must endure and overcome, the Haitian youth can overcome their situation. “The biggest work the youth needs are training and investment because the ideas are there. They can set up many enterprises looking for measures by which they can reduce unemployment.”

But many Haitians don’t have the support they need to surpass their problems, and this is where people like Mikinlove come in. She believes that she can make a difference in people’s lives, and she has a formula for it:

“Encouraging youth is the main objective because they are the future of the country. I teach them to take their destiny in hand, to think, to create, and to work for their goals in life. The important thing is to believe in yourself.”

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