African American woman weighing herself

The tools and support you need to achieve your goals

The Joseph Surgery WEIGHT MANAGEMENT CENTER offers a multi-disciplinary approach to weight loss tailored specifically for you. We offer individualized weight management programs that suit your unique needs.

Joseph Surgery has affiliations with many surrounding hospitals that meet the most rigorous standards for patient care, professionalism, expertise, and proven results.

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Our board-certified physicians, registered dietitians and nurses, and physical trainers are also experts in the care of bariatric clients.

Whether your weight loss goal is 20, 50 or 100 pounds, or you are looking for expert guidance to help manage your diabetes, the WEIGHT MANAGEMET CENTER  is the place for you. We do not promote a particular product or service; instead, our comprehensive, medically supervised programs are custom-tailored to fit your specific needs.

Are there surgical and non-surgical options?

Yes. Based on your individual goals and health requirements, your program at the WEIGHT MANAGEMET CENTER  may include:

  • Nutrition consulations
    • Expert lectures and education classes
    • Body composition analysis
    • Weekly weigh-ins
    • Ongoing counselling and support
    • Exercise sessions at the gym/wellness center
    • Leading-edge Minimally Invasive Bariatric and Weight Loss Surgery

Who determines what my program will include?

Our multidisciplinary professional team, which includes bariatric and minimally invasive surgeons, bariatric-trained nurses, registered dietitians, fitness consultants and exercise specialists, counselors, therapists, and support staff, will conduct a detailed assessment. Through this process, they will collect information about your age, weight, health, fitness level, family history, and other factors. Based on the result, they will create, WITH YOU, a personalized program just for YOU.

My physician has suggested that I consider surgical weight loss. How can I find out about the options, process, and costs?

Attend one of the WEIGHT MANAGEMENT CENTER ’s free, no-obligation seminars, where you will have the opportunity to ask questions and meet our staff, including our surgeons, or view the information online to learn more about our comprehensive bariatric surgery program.


  • Individualized care
  • Free educational seminars
  • Onsite multi-disciplinary team
  • Convenience and continuum of care
  • Direct contact with your surgeons
  • Lifelong support of your doctors, Bariatric team, Dieticians, and Fitness trainer
  • Free Gym Membership

Why Choose Bariatric Surgery?

Morbid obesity increases the risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, heart attack, stroke, gallstones, and premature death while reducing mobility, respiratory function, and quality of life. Bariatric surgery (a set of gastrointestinal procedures, such as Gastric Bypass and Gastric Sleeve, used to treat obesity) is recognized by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) as an effective alternative for morbidly obese people who have tried, yet failed, to lose significant weight.

Achieving significant, permanent weight loss through bariatric surgery can reduce disease risk and, in many cases, resolve or improve obesity-related health conditions such as adult-onset diabetes, hypertension, gastric reflux, infertility, joint pain caused by arthritis and sleep apnea.

Surgical Weight Loss Options

Gastric sleeve: a restrictive procedure that decreases food intake

Gastric bypass: a combination of restrictive and malabsorptive procedure that decreases food intake and food absorption

Gastric band: a restrictive procedure that decreases food intake

Orbera Intragastric Balloon: a soft balloon placed in your stomach for six months to encourage portion control.

Learn more about our MBSAQIP-accredited centers and meet Dr. Onyeka Nwokocha and Dr. Romane Joseph at one of our free, no-obligation seminars or in the office. For more information, call the WEIGHT MANAGEMENT CENTER  at 786-401-6455.

Bariatric Surgery Options

Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass

Your surgeon creates a small pouch from the top of the stomach and makes a bypass so that food skips parts of the small intestine. Following the surgery, patients will need to supplement their diets with additional vitamins and minerals to compensate for those that will no longer be absorbed by their bodies. A gastric bypass involves reattaching part of the stomach to the intestine, creating a different food pathway, or “bypass.” Patients who embrace the required lifestyle changes can expect to lose 80% of excess weight fairly quickly.

Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy

Your surgeon reduces the size of the stomach by creating a small, sleeve-shaped pouch the size of a banana. The pouch is larger than the one created during the Roux-en-Y procedure, and there is no bypass or re-routing of food through the intestines. Also known as vertical sleeve gastrectomy, a gastric sleeve procedure reduces the stomach size by about 85%, yet the stomach retains normal function. Patients who receive the sleeve procedure can expect to lose about half their excess weight over 2-3 years.

Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding

Your surgeon places an inflatable band around the top part of your stomach, creating a small pouch. The band is adjustable, so its size can be changed to control your appetite. This procedure is fully reversible. The “lap band” is an adjustable silicone band surgically placed around the top of the stomach to limit food intake and make you feel full sooner. While this is the least-invasive bariatric procedure, some people find it less effective for weight loss.

Orbera Intragastric Balloon

ORBERA™ combines a clinically tested and proven medical device with your own customized plan and support team to effectively manage weight loss. The comprehensive, two-part program starts with a soft balloon placed in your stomach for six months to encourage portion control. A team of support experts will then help guide you through a diet and exercise program. At six months, the balloon is removed and your support team will continue to guide you toward making healthy lifestyle choices. They will help you retrain your appetite, adopt new nutritional habits, and establish a reasonable exercise routine that will be essential to your long-term success.

Revisional Surgery

Sometimes patients regain weight after their initial surgery. If that happens, we offer both laparoscopic and endoscopic procedures to help continued weight loss.

No matter which procedure is the right one for you, our multidisciplinary team of highly skilled doctors, nurses, psychologists, nutritionists, fitness experts and patient advocates will work with you to meet your specific pre- and post-operative needs. We’re committed to your successful surgery and long-lasting results.

Your path to better health begins here:


Vision: A community where all individuals have access to quality health care.

Mission: To continually improve the health of our entire community.

Values: Hospitality, Compassion, Advocacy, Excellence, Leadership

Want to learn more or schedule an initial appointment?

Call us at 786-401-6455 or email us at


Dade: 9415 NE 6th 
Ave, Miami, FL 33138