The story of this movie is one of the greatest in the history of mankind but is one of the least known. Man’s desire to be free is best exemplified by the slaves of the West Indies that risked their lives to fight for freedom against the greatest army of its time. After years of torture and enslavement, the African slaves of the island known today as Haiti shattered their chains and battled Napoleon’s army until the day they succeeded and declared their freedom and independence on January 1, 1804- nearly 100 hundred years before its nearest neighbors, the USA, would itself end slavery. Just like Spartacus had in 60 BC, Toussaint Louverture was the leader of this incredible revolution that had such a tremendous impact in the history of the world.

Claude Mancuso decided to develop a film script that would bring attention to Haiti’s story and the heroes that overcame the incredible odds to create the world’s first black republic in the western hemisphere. His objective is to make an American film with the biggest release possible so that Haiti’s story can be better understood and appreciated.
“More than ever before, the need to improve Haiti’s image worldwide is imperative and I cannot think of a better way than getting this film produced and distributed to every cinema and television screen possible” …. Claude Mancuso

Contact info:
Reach out to participate and/or invest in the film.
Phone: 954-709-6513 – Website: