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HOT 100 INTERVIEW - 2023

Interview questions for your magazine article.

*** LI AN KREYÒL *** Klike sou Drapo Ameriken an, epi apre klike sou Drapo Ayisyen an pou w ka li enfòmasyon sa an Kreyòl.


Thank you for participating in this year’s summer contest, and congratulations for making it onto the magazine’s HOT 100 YOUNG HAITIANS 2023 list. 

Touching base for your interview, which is what the yearly contest is all about; to get to know what our young Haitians are up to and to promote their stories. 

To help our magazine write an article for you, please answer the questions below. When writing your answers, don’t worry about grammar, you can freestyle if you like. One of our writers will use the information you provide to develop a 500-word article.

And send up to 2 photos you would like us to use with your article. 

Please reply with the interview answers by next Monday, June 26th, 2023.

Thank you for participating and for all your efforts. 


  1. If you made our HOT 100 list last year and received an interview, you don’t have to answer all the questions because some of the answers like your name, etc. will remain the same; just tell us what’s new and we’ll draw from your previous answers. And you can choose to answer only the questions you feel comfortable with and whose answers you’re willing to share. (Also, not all of your answers will make it into the article.)
  2. You can see previous articles we published about last year’s contestants here:

  1. Language:

You can respond in English or French or Creole, but the article will be published in English.



What is your name, where were you born, and where do you live now?

Who or what inspires you?

How does being Haitian affect how you see the world?

What is your IG, FB, YT, and business website names (if you have them), so we can learn more about you? Feel free to send us link(s) to previous articles written about you and/or your business, if available.


Are you currently in school? What are you studying (or did you study), and at which college?


Do you have a job, a profession, or are you between gigs?

What profession do you really want to be in (if you’re not already working in your dream profession)?


What are some of your greatest accomplishments so far?

Any particular accomplishments in the last 12 months (from June 2022 to June 2023) you’d like to mention?


What are some of your personal and career goals? How do you intend to accomplish them?

Do you have some goals for the next 12 months (June 2023 – June 2024) you like to accomplish?


What can young Haitians do to help Haiti improve?

Are you helping Haiti or Haitians in any way?


What are you good at or hope to be good at? Do you have a talent you’d like to develop?


If you had a platform to make your voice heard, what would you promote and discuss?

What impact would you like to make if given the opportunity to reach your desired audience?


What do you do for fun? What are some of your hobbies?

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