Olivia Michel



About the Contestant

Olivia Michel
Tampa, Fl,USA
IG: olivia.neamyah
Parents From: Port-au-prince
My name is Olivia Michel and I live in Tampa, Fl. I am from Haitian descent as my parents are from Port-au-prince, Haiti. As a Haitian American, I’m always finding new ways to get in touch with my roots. So far I’ve done this by participating in Haitian pageants and being involved in the Haitian club at my university. I believe the Hot 100 Haitians contest is another great opportunity to get involved with my culture. My dad always says to me, “lespwa fe viv”, meaning hope makes one live. Due to the state of our country, a lot of people have given up hope on seeing the bright future that is in store for Haiti, but I haven’t. That is why I’m very adamant about how I represent my culture on social media. I want people to know that I am proud to be Haitian and see the beauty and future of our pearl the way that I see it. If I were to be the cover of the Haiti open magazine, I would use my platform to promote our people, culture, and most importantly unity. I think unity is important as it is how we will see positive results in our country. As seen on our flag, “L’union fait la force”. With unity makes strength. Our nation will only get stronge


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